Children are precious to our God. He longs to know them and be known by them. In fact, the only place in all of Creation (that we know of) where the Image of God is being replicated over and over again is in our kids! Psalm 127 tells us that He treasures them! We treasure them too. We want these precious little ones to know Him and His great Heart for them. So we’ve designed programs that convey the Love of God to little hearts and minds through The Ranch Children’s Ministries. We want this to be a safe, fun, engaging place in which we come alongside the Family to enhance what you’re teaching them about His love in your home.
Every Sunday we dismiss the kids that are 1st through 5th graders just after the time of music and prayer ends. So, while Mom and Dad, Grandma or Grandpa hear a Message from the Word of God with the adults in the worship gathering, your children enjoy a worship experience that will connect with them! All of The Ranch workers are trained to help your kids explore what it means that Jesus loves them!